


The Doctor of 整骨疗法的医学 学位 from the bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院 indicates the holder is a physician who is prepared to enter into supervised practice in a graduate medical education training program.

为了获得D.O. 学位, 未来培训和后续执照, the candidate must have demonstrated competency in five requisite areas: observation and sensory; communication; motor; intellectual-conceptual; and behavioral and social attributes. Matriculants are required to demonstrate said competencies to provide safe and effective medical care in a wide variety of clinical environments.

传统学院要求入学学生能够达到技术标准, 有或没有合理的安排, 作为加入整骨疗法医学项目的条件之一. 合理的住宿, 根据修订后的《美国残疾人法, include those assistive devices and strategies that enable matriculants to successfully meet the established standards of academic performance and requirements of the osteopathic curricular program. These assistive devices and strategies do not alter the essential requirements of the osteopathic curricular requirements and do not change the established standards of performance determined to be acceptable. The use of trained intermediaries to obtain and interpret data from patients will not be considered as acceptable or reasonable assistive strategies. National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners technical requirements may have more stringent standards than outlined in this document. Students seeking accommodations during the application process or after matriculation are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility 服务 at 740.593.2620.


The matriculant must be able to participate in demonstrations and experiments in the biomedical sciences including, 但不限于, 微生物学的文化, 显微检查微生物和组织的显微检查, 尸体解剖, 以及心电图和放射图像的解释. The matriculant must be able to observe a patient by gathering visual and olfactory information to detect disease and dysfunction. 另外, matriculants must be able to use touch and detect changes of temperature and pressure to complete required physical examinations and perform osteopathic structural assessments.


A matriculant shall be able to assess and communicate with patients in order to elicit information; describe changes in affect, activity and posture; and perceive nonverbal communications. 实习生必须能够与患者进行有效和敏感的沟通. The matriculant must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with all members of the health care team.


The matriculant must be able to independently perform physical examination maneuvers such as auscultation, 触诊和敲击,以学习检测疾病和功能障碍. The matriculant must be able to independently perform a variety of procedures required for general and emergency patient care including, 但不限于, 静脉穿刺, 膀胱导管插入术, 关节穿刺术, 心肺复苏术, 用压力来止血, 气道阻塞的处理, 单纯性伤口的缝合与常规妇产科手术的执行. 另外, the matriculant must be able to perform these procedures within prescribed time limitations relative to the context of the practicing physician. The matriculant must be able to independently perform therapeutic touch including osteopathic manipulative medicine techniques and must be agreeable to have these modalities performed upon them as part of the curriculum requirements for the D.O. 学位. 申请人必须能够长时间协助外科手术, 参加模拟演习,并参加医院病房的内科/外科查房.


申请人必须具备观察能力, 测量, calculate and utilize information in order to engage in critical thinking and problem solving in both individual and group contexts that are essential to the function of a physician. 毕业生还必须能够理解多维空间关系.


毕业生必须有良好的判断力和专业的行为, 及时有效地完成各项职责, 并在照顾病人的同时保持成熟, 与患者建立敏感有效的关系. 毕业生必须能够在压力条件下有效地工作, adapt to changing environments and function in the face of the uncertainties in在这里nt in the clinical care of patients. 同情, 完整性, 同理心, 人际关系技巧, 兴趣和动力都是在教育过程中被评估的个人品质.


Infectious Diseases: Health care providers in contact with patients are at risk for contracting and transmitting infectious diseases. All health care providers must maintain immunization requirements that are established for their own protection and that of served populations against preventable communicable illness.

The bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院 requires documentation of appropriate immunization and vaccination of all students. Requirements are guided by current recommendation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for health care personnel.

在入学之前, students are expected to receive required immunizations/vaccinations and provide documentation of proof of immunity. 流感季节需要接种流感疫苗. 临床附属机构可能对免疫和疫苗接种有其他更严格的要求.

如果学生不能提供文件,他/她将被视为未接种疫苗. Tuberculosis screening is also required of all incoming students and students participating in summer programs involving clinical activities through the Heritage College.

请参阅 免疫接种、免疫证明和结核病筛查要求 有关详细信息,.

Students who are accepted to the Heritage College and students on the alternate list will receive a letter explaining immunization and serologic proof of immunity requirements and the Immunization Status Report form from the 医学教育办公室.



The matriculant must submit to a criminal background check that includes both Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification and Federal Bureau of Investigation searches. The college mandates the criminal background check of the matriculant to be in compliance with the requirements of the state of Ohio and the clinical affiliates of the college. 每两年入学的学生都要接受一次犯罪背景调查.

有关如何以及何时要求进行犯罪背景调查的更多信息可以找到 在这里.