‘A phenomenal experience’: The 暑期法律与审判学院

7月, 暑期法律与审判研究所(SLTI)欢迎24名来自俄亥俄州各地的高中生来到雅典并从事法律实践.



7月, 暑期法律与审判研究所(SLTI)欢迎24名来自俄亥俄州各地的高中生来到雅典并从事法律实践.

已经是连续第九年了, the program strived to give students an introduction to the American legal system, what law practice looks like in Southeastern Ohio, 牢固的师徒关系, 还有一次模拟审判的经历. The students spent five days meeting virtually and six days on the 雅典 campus, where they met with various alumni and key figures in law around the state, 模拟审判结束,由雅典县少年和遗嘱法院法官扎卡里·桑德斯主持.

“It is one of the highlights of my year to work with the 夏天的法律 & Trial Institute as the judge for the Mock Trial Capstone. 作为第一代大学毕业生, 法学院毕业生, I feel lucky to give back to inspiring law students. I am honored to represent not only 雅典 County, but bet8九州登录入口 when engaging with the 夏天的法律 & 审判研究所,”桑德斯说.

自2016年以来,SLTI一直由bet8九州登录入口校友兼法律参与和法律预科项目主任拉里·海曼(Larry Hayman)牵头. Hayman provided students with an understanding of the legal system, 组织项目, and led the students through the 10-day experience.

“The program is important for so many reasons and I am glad that Larry is leading the way,桑德斯说。. “这个项目让对法律体系感兴趣的孩子们探索自己的兴趣,同时也为他们的未来做准备. 法律界是一个紧密结合的社区,看到专业人士提供宝贵的时间来教育下一代律师是件好事. I am excited for the next generation of attorneys and the 夏天的法律 & Trial Institute is giving those children the best opportunities to explore the legal system. “

今年, the students were also mentored by four current OHIO pre-law students, three program assistants and a mock trial coach. 凯西帕特森, 谁在攻读法律硕士学位, 正义, and 文化 Studies and was a spring ‘24 honors political science graduate, 担任模拟审判教练.

帕特森, 谁是2019年的SLTI学生, said one of his favorite parts of working the program was the students’ development.

"Seeing the way these kids grew over the course of this program was a phenomenal experience,帕特森说. “看着他们在节目中兴奋的眼神,真是太棒了. You could tell when the law finally 'clicked' for these kids!”

While meeting on Teams, students and staff welcomed guests daily. 通过虚拟环节,学生们与三位模拟审判小组的前任主席一起学习了模拟审判的基本知识, 艾米·弗劳尔斯的法庭礼仪, 艾琳·帕特森教授的移民法, and about the potential of a law degree with OHIO grads Barbara Nalazek, 皮尔斯·里德和艾米·弗莱诺. 对于学生来说,第一部分是至关重要的,它可以让学生了解在这个项目中可以期待什么,以及从事法律职业是什么样子的.

参加该项目的高中生亚什维·波瑟莱(Yashvi pothrrai)在模拟审判中被评为“最佳律师”.

《bet8网页登录》 & Trial Institute set a firm foundation for me,” Pothrai said. “It provided me with insight on the law and what it would be like to practice it. 我们交谈过的人和讨论过的人都证实,这是我想走的路……这对我来说是一次宝贵的经历!”

A group of high school students pose in front of OHIO's Class Gateway

夏天的法律 & Trial Institute students pose outside of Class Gateway

在在线部分的末尾, students and program assistants moved into university residence halls. 整个星期, the high school students were able to live on a college campus, 在餐厅吃饭, and work in different classrooms around campus, giving them a brief look into college life.

On campus, students heard from more guest speakers. 雅典市首席检察官特雷西·米克和辩护律师佩吉·勒波格尔讲授了刑事审判的过程. 学生们为模拟审判做准备的案例是一起名为“新哥伦比亚诉”的刑事案件. 克里斯·阿彻,发现一名大学生面临一级谋杀和刑事欺侮指控.

《bet8网页登录》 & 审判学院为地区青年探索他们对法律的兴趣提供了宝贵的经验,米克说. “I’ve had the privilege of participating as a presenter, 一个陪审员,最近, 参与者的家长!”

A returning guest, Meek said she sees similar growth in the students year after year.

“每年, 我很惊讶学生们从一群害羞的高中生变成了一个有凝聚力的模拟审判团队,勇敢地为最终的项目而战. Larry has developed a truly exceptional program that OU should be extremely proud of.”

其他嘉宾包括马克·维克, who told students about his experience working in civil rights and education law, 米兰达西, who presented on legal support professionals like paralegals, and former Federal Magistrate Judge Clarke VanDervort, who shared his background and introduced students to the case Gideon v. 温赖特, 这是美国法律体系中一个形成性的案例,确保每个人都有获得法律代理的权利.

VanDervort is a seasoned guest of the program.

“暑期法律研究所以互动的方式向学生介绍正在或曾经担任国家司法机关各级法官的人,以及正在和曾经在私人和公共办公室从事法律工作的人,范德福特说. “学生们从中可以更好地了解,如果他们选择法律职业,他们的未来会是什么样子.”

最后几位亲自发言的是来自俄亥俄州东南部和中部法律援助协会的凯特琳·麦克丹尼尔和露西·施瓦利. 两人分享了在俄亥俄州东南部地区获得司法救助所面临的挑战, some of which include the absence of transportation, 技术断开, 贫困, and a lack of practicing attorneys in the area.


“SLTI是一个很棒的项目,让高中生对从事法律职业感到兴奋,”她说。. “拉里和他的法律预科学生在向参与者展示在农村社区从事法律工作的真实情况方面做得非常出色. Legal Aid of Southeast and Central Ohio is so grateful to be a part of the program every year.”

Program assistant Leighton Heiner is a philosophy major with a certificate in law, 正义, 和文化.

“我认为这个项目向学生们展示了诉诸司法的重要性,以及他们未来可以做些什么来消除司法差距,海纳说. “我真的很喜欢和学生们一起工作,向他们介绍模拟审判和大学生活,并在模拟审判的密集准备过程中为他们提供支持. 我认为这个项目对学生来说是一个难得的机会,让他们了解律师是做什么的,以及他们需要做些什么来为走上这条道路做准备.”

课堂以外的工作, 该项目的学生和工作人员参观了雅典和州首府哥伦布的多个景点. 在雅典, students were able to see the 雅典 County Court of Common Pleas three times, 在刑事法庭法官帕特里克·朗的法庭和桑德斯法官的法庭上会面. 

A group of students pose on stone steps with an OHIO flag

Outside of the 雅典 County Court of Common Pleas

Alex Marcum is a student from Lawrence County.

“SLTI informed me about law and how the legal system works,” Marcum said. “我们遇到的每一位客人都非常乐于助人, knowledgeable about the respectful field of the law, 和友好的. 我向任何有兴趣学习法律的人推荐这个项目,因为它让我对法律的运作有了更多的了解.”

在哥伦布, students went to the Columbus City Attorney's Office, met with the ACLU of Ohio director and various staff members, and had the privilege of visiting the Supreme Court of Ohio. 在最高法院, students were able to sit in on oral arguments, 探索建筑, and eat lunch with 正义 Melody Stewart and her staff. 

a group of students poses in a wood-paneled courtroom, flanked by the U.S. 和俄亥俄旗

Students and staff with 正义 Melody Stewart

项目助理莱利·萨金特, a senior studying political science with certificates in Law, 正义, 文化与政治传播, shared that “working SLTI is a transformative experience. Not only do the students learn from our guests, so do we as program staff! 今年的学生非常出色,我知道这个项目加强了他们对法律的兴趣.”

作为先前的项目助理(2022), Sargent found this experience different from the first time, 注意到“今年, I feel like I really got to know the students and work closely with them, 其他项目人员, 还有我们出色的嘉宾.”

在第二周结束时, 经过一周的准备,现在是学生们进行模拟审判演示的时候了. Families were welcomed to campus to watch and to learn about OHIO, 其中一些人本身就是校友. 虽然神经很紧张, 学生们能够雄辩地陈述他们的论点和证人的证词,导致两次不同寻常的审判和自豪的面孔.

这名学生被评为“最佳证人”,索菲亚·斯图里亚诺, 他解释说:“我们得到的关于法律及其专业的细节和时间刚好足以让我们深入了解,而不会让我们不知所措。. 它彻底揭开了审判和律师的神秘面纱——对法院改变国家的方式有了新的理解, 作为一名年轻选民,我感到自己被赋予了权力. It was also great to see everyone use their personal strengths during the Mock Trial.”



在整个项目过程中, students got to meet with over 30 speakers, with the majority of those people being OHIO grads. SLTI是一个鼓励学生从事法律职业的项目,无论它是一个特定的实践领域, 作为律师助理, or as a director of a major program like the Ohio Innocence Project or the ACLU of Ohio. Judge VanDervort noted that the students’ and guests’ “presentations are invariably excellent. 我毫不怀疑bet8九州登录入口的暑期法律与审判学院是全国同类课程中最好的, 我很荣幸能参与其中.”
